Katokami - DIY Papercraft Kits

Personal Project
As a personal side project I started my own papercraft Label called Katokami. Besides being a digital artist and designer, I also strive to bring digital creations to life so that they can be touched and manipulated with your own hands. I started to create selfmade papercraft designs a while ago. Soon I came to realize that I want to bring back this wonderful crafting experience that up to this point was only a long lost childhood memory.
With the help of newly available digital and practical manufacturing tools I worked hard to start Katokami. Not only to recreate that particular experience but also to enhance it in numerous of ways. And I’m very happy that after hundreds of hours of experimenting and refining I eventually can call the Katokami papercraft kits a success. Apart from being beautiful to look at they are fun and easy to assemble as well.