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VR Game, 2017

Look Development, Photogrammetry, Game Design, 3D Asset Creation, Unreal Integration
Project Description
This VR-throwing game was developed to raise awareness for aluminum soda can recycling. As part of a roadshow it could be experienced on several events during the summer of 2017.
I was tasked with the creation of the visual assets consisting of gameplay elements, the immediate play area and the surrounding city environment, which was a virtual replica of a famous place in Vienna. Vehicles, foliage and many props were ready made models I optimized for performance reasons. For the creation of the PBR texture sets I used Substance Painter and the Source library. This way I was able to create the 40+ unique texture sets for the entire scene all by myself within a reasonable timeframe. More care went into the creation of the hero assets, the trash bin and the soda can, as they were very close to the player and also occurred in higher numbers.
In addition I was also responsible for designing the game itself. The goal was to come up with an easy to pick up game that gradually becomes more and more challenging without frustrating the player. As VR is still a new technology, the game had to be fun for everyone, newcomers and VR aficionados alike. I worked closely with an experienced developer who handled the programming side of the game and after a few iterations, lots of testing (sore arms included) we had a game that made recycling entertaining!